Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Week 2

There seems to be the same 5 or so "beginner" tricks that don't need Ollies floating around YouTube which I was hoping to be able to land by now. No such luck unfortunately my thinking is because an Ollie is hard for most people they seek out tricks they can do that won't required them to Ollie. Truth is most of these tricks are not really easy and some harder then the Ollie itself

Towards the end of the week I gave up on these types of tricks and focused more on trying to Ollie. I am still not there but I am getting better. I did managed to get all 4 wheels off the ground but unless you play it back in slow mo its hard to tell. 

I am skating everyday and will continue to do so. Skateboarding has not been very easy for me but I do think my goal of learning to Ollie is possible.