Monday, June 22, 2020

Week 3 Really Bad Ollies

I focused this week on trying to Ollie and really not much else. Now technically I was able to do a few really bad Ollie's but in my opinion if you need video play back confirm you did an Ollie it doesn't count ha.

What is the problem
From what I can tell I am not lifting my back foot. The tail has nowhere to go. I am sure this is not my own problem but it's the one I notice and it's a big one

How do I fix it
Well I have seen people say to pretend like you are jumping forward off the skateboard. So I been TRYING to do that but easier send than done.

A part of me thinks I am just not very confident and jumping off the board is not something my mind is letting my body do.

As always I will keep at it and hopefully I will be able to land a real Ollie within my first month of skating.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Week 2

There seems to be the same 5 or so "beginner" tricks that don't need Ollies floating around YouTube which I was hoping to be able to land by now. No such luck unfortunately my thinking is because an Ollie is hard for most people they seek out tricks they can do that won't required them to Ollie. Truth is most of these tricks are not really easy and some harder then the Ollie itself

Towards the end of the week I gave up on these types of tricks and focused more on trying to Ollie. I am still not there but I am getting better. I did managed to get all 4 wheels off the ground but unless you play it back in slow mo its hard to tell. 

I am skating everyday and will continue to do so. Skateboarding has not been very easy for me but I do think my goal of learning to Ollie is possible.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Week 1

We made it one week down many more to come. I could see a little progression towards the end of the week but nothing crazy. I have a bit more confidence on the board and my 180 kick turns are pretty consistent. Outside of that I am still very new and have a long way to go. 

I spent most of the week trying tricks that did not require an Oillie. I landed a vanilla milkshake twice (stationary) and some finger flips. I had a lot of fun messing around on the ramps at the local skatepark and could see myself dropping in off the big ramp soonish.

Looking forward... I am going to keep working on tricks that don't require Oillies I found a few videos that go over very beginner tricks so I will focus on those. Well enjoy the video !