First month down and unfortunately not a lot of progress. I haven't learned any tricks and my Ollies are still very poor. On a brighter note I am having a lot of fun skating and for the most part I skate everyday.
As you will see in the video I filmed a line of very basic "tricks" and I really enjoyed the whole process of not only doing the tricks but doing them a few times to get the correct shot and putting the clips together when I got home.
It's not always easy to find enjoyment when you know little to no tricks so being able to work on something I was capable of but also wasn't super easy was a great time.
I don't plans to give up and I will keep working on my skills I can definitely feel myself getting better at Ollies and hopeful it won't be much longer :).
Blog posts and videos will be Monthly instead of weekly going forward unless I learn a new skill worthy of sharing.